Friends of Pawtuxet Village

The oldest little village in Rhode Island

Looking for Mentors

We are looking for adult or seasoned mentors for the Pawtuxet Village Chess Club. If you are interested in being a mentor or in helping us be a point person for the Chess Club, please contact us. We are looking for 2-3 chess lovers who can be at the park on Thursdays at 6PM and to help out if one person has work obligations.

Tips for outdoor chess

June brought rain almost every day (it even dampened the Gaspee Days festival!), and now July has arrived and we've been experiencing some of the hottest weather this summer, almost breaking records. Read More...

Summer Season 2013 Underway

Summer 2013 has had a slow start due to the wet weather throughout the month of June. The rule for our Thursday meeting nights is: no chess if it’s raining (obviously!), and no chess if the air quality has been reported us “unsafe” by our weather folks. Finally, no chess if it’s a national holiday - i.e. July 4th falls on a Thursday this year.

Summer Chess in the Park

Join the Pawtuxet Village Chess Club and be a part of the new community chess sensation! Read More...

Welcome to the Pawtuxet Village Chess Club

The Pawtuxet Village Chess Club was started in 2011 with these goals in mind: Read More...